Please note: Pharmacy Refills need 48-72 hrs for processing.

dogs, cats, and...

Avian & Small Animals

Have you dreamed of owning a bird or small animal but haven’t taken the leap because you aren’t sure what’s involved? We’re proud to help care for all types of creatures, including birds, rabbits, hamsters, and more!

Avian & Small Mammals We Treat



Rats & Mice

Guinea Pigs




Sugar Gliders

What veterinary services do we offer for avian & small animals?

  • Wellness exams
  • Sick care
  • Husbandry recommendations
  • Avian nail, wing, and beak trims
  • Wellness and diagnostic bloodwork
  • Deslorelin implants
  • Radiographs on all types of birds and small mammals
  • Neuters and spays
  • Surgical procedures
  • Orthopedic procedures

How to prepare for your appointment

Whether you have an avian or small animal as a pet or are considering one, contact us today for an appointment. This information can assist us with learning your pet’s husbandry. To simplify the process, please print and fill out one of the following forms prior to your appointment. Please bring the completed form with you.

We be will be asking about your pet’s diet. Bringing a sample of your pet’s diet and supplements can also be extremely helpful. Please bring a list of the following:

  1. Name brand of the pellets/food mix you offer
  2. A list of people food that is offered
  3. Name brand and specifics on supplements/vitamins offered
  4. Foods that are fed to prey, if applicable
  5. Name brand and specifics on supplements/vitamins offered to prey, if applicable

Avian History Form

Ferret History Form

Pocket Pet History Form

(for small mammals)

Rabbit History Form

Remember, we provide wellness care, sick care, and more for other pets, too!